
Pension Association BBQ

About a week ago, a few of the local pension owners got together for lunch. We all enjoyed BBQ chicken, beef, seafood and veggies, as well as alcohol. I quite enjoyed the drinks, except the suntory whisky highball. (Seriously, who mixes whisky and soda?) But I really did enjoy the Korean Liquor the pension association boss shared with me. It was called Makkori and has the consistency of slightly thick sake. It was great and went well with all the BBQ chicken, beef and peppers I ate. At one point, a guy even went to the nearby creek and caught a fish in under 5 minutes! It was literally taken from the creek to the BBQ I'm under 3 minutes and I actually ate some of it! 
It was nice meeting new people who do the same work as me and also nice catching up with some people I hadn't seen in a while. Plus, we could not have had a better location by the creek. I look forward to the next one.

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